The welL
Student Small Groups
Winter Small Group Study

Every Winter The Well works through a three year cycle of apologetics, evangelism, and sex and purity. This year we will be taking part in the excellent study on sex and purity, "Chasing Love" by Sean McDowell.
In this Bible study, Sean McDowell takes teens through God's Word to answer some of our toughest questions about love, sex, gender, and relationships. He provides practical counsel on how we can embrace a life of purity by loving God and loving others with both our body and our soul.
For this study, all of our groups will be divided by gender and grade.
Middle School

Milestones is a study series focused on covering the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. It is an excellent study for students learning about Christianity for the first time, as well as for those who want a clearer understanding of the topic.
It comes with a section to be discussed each week in thier groups, as well as a couple days worth of short sections to read on their own.
In this study students will wrestle with the question "Who is God?" Many people and cultures try to anwser this question, but in this study we hope for students to come to a deep and personal knowledge of Him.
Our Middle School groups are divided by age and gender. This spring students will be engaging in the study, Milestones: Connecting God's Word to Life - Volume 1 - God. The first night of our spring study is March 12th.
High School
Our High School groups our elective based. This spring student will be able to choose from one of three study options. The first night of our spring study will be March 12th.
Option 1

Milestones is a study series focused on covering the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. It is an excellent study for students learning about Christianity for the first time, as well as for those who want a clearer understanding of the topic.
It comes with a section to be discussed each week in thier groups, as well as a couple days worth of short sections to read on their own.
In this study students will wrestle with the question "Who is God?" Many people and cultures try to anwser this question, but in this study we hope for students to come to a deep and personal knowledge of Him.
Option 2

Our world is divided in almost every way imaginable - religion, politics, race, views on sexuality, and much, much more. On the surface, it might not seem like the time is right for a movement of God. On the contrary, now is the perfect time for revival! Not the emotional, momentary, feel-good type that comes and goes, but a revival that changes hearts.
In this study you'll explores how God prepares our hearts to be catalysts of revival.
This study has a daily portion that needs to be completed each week before small group.
Option 3

In this study, students will wrestle with John Piper's passionate plea to the next generation of Christians to not waste their lives, but to live for Jesus with all their hearts. Many spend their lives on trivial diversions, seeking earthly comfort and pleasure above all else. But Jesus said, "Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it," calling us into the eternal purpose and God-exalting life for which we were made.
Students are challenged with the dangers of an irrelevant life that counts for nothing and calls Christians to the deeper joys, and risks, that matter for eternity.
This study has five days worth of material that are required to be completed before attending each week and a chapter to be read in the accompanying book. Students who don't complete thier work may be asked to not participate in our option 3 study next semester.