our guarantee
There are two things that we absolutely guarantee to those who attend Living Water Community Church.
First, we guarantee that there is a 100% chance that at least once (probably multiple times) you will be offended by someone or something at Living Water, or equally likely, you will be the one who does the offending.
Why is that?
Well, first of all, there are Truths in the Gospel that are simply offensive – even to those who love Jesus. In John 6, Jesus’ own disciples were offended by his teaching that he was the one and only Son of God. Some were so offended that “many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.”
Additionally, because Living Water is an ethnically, culturally, and economically diverse church family, you will be interacting with people who come from life experiences that are wildly different from yours. As a result, as you interact and become friends with people who are different from you, you will naturally do and say things that you may not even know are offensive and your new friends are sure to do the same thing.
Take heart, this simply gives us the privilege of giving back the grace and humility that God has given to each one of us.
Second, we guarantee that you will not like 100% of what we do at Living Water.
If you are looking for a church that is a perfect fit for your family, we guarantee that Living Water isn’t the place.
Why is that?
Well, Jesus told us that the greatest commandment was that we are to “love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, and mind” and that the second greatest commandment was to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” Tragically, many times we love ourselves first, God second, and our neighbors somewhere further down the line. When we possess that kind of attitude, we expect the church to meet all of our needs – and that simply isn’t what church is all about.
Ultimately, being part of a church family is far more about blessing God and others than seeking blessing for ourselves. As such, there are going to be days when you don’t like the style of music that we sing or the particular section of God’s Word that we teach. But when you love God and others more than yourself, God will help you be okay with that.
When we are singing black gospel music and you like contemporary choruses, you will be blessed because the African American grandma sitting beside you is blessed.
When we are preaching on a passage of the Bible that is hard and you leave the worship service convicted rather than feeling good about yourself, you will be blessed because you know God is blessed by our repentance, obedience, and humility.
When a staff member, church leader, or anyone else in the church family inevitably fails to meet your expectations and you feel wounded, you will find blessing through the forgiveness and restoration given when you seek that person out to humbly and biblically reconcile the hurt.
Take heart, even though Living Water isn’t the perfect church, it is a great church—a church filled with sin struggling saints who have been transformed by the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ, who greatly desire others to experience the hope, joy, peace, and love that comes with faith in him.