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The purpose of Venture is to establish a community of young adults, ages 22–30, who desire to mature in faith and be transformed into the image of Christ. This community is created through the regular Venture Deep  Small Groups, monthly Venture Together Fun Events, and our Venture Out Evangelism & Service events. Venture provides a connection to the larger church community by engaging its members in multi-generational service and fellowship. 

Venture Community Groups

Sunday Men's Group

The Book of Colossians

This group of young adult men will be studying through the book of Colossians this semester. What we think about Jesus matters. Our perception of Him shapes us—what we say, how we treat others, and even what we think. If we paint Jesus as any less than who He is, as supreme over all creation and savior of the world, not only does our theology slip, but the working out of our faith also suffers. 


What we believe about Him influences everything from corporate worship to our relationships to our attitude toward sin. Now alive in Christ, we can live a life worthy of God instead of falling back into the ways of the world.


This group will meet weekly for a time of Bible Study, prayer, and fellowship. Please click the link below to register for this group!

When: Sunday Nights, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 

Where: Harrisburg


Contact John for more information

Monday Women's Group

Testimonies and Genuine Faith

This group of young adult women will start off the semester by sharing our stories with one another to be encouraged by the ways God has worked in our lives. After that, we will study together what it looks like practically in our lives to be living out a genuine faith.


This group will meet weekly for a time of Bible Study, prayer, and fellowship. Please click the link below to register for this group!

When: Monday Nights, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM 

Where: Camp Hill


Contact Bailey or Heidi for more information

Small Group

The Book of Daniel

This group of young adults is a coed group of singles and married individuals.

They will be doing a study through Daniel, using David Helm's book "Daniel: Staying Strong in a Hostile World."


How can we remain faithful to God in a world that rejects him? Is it worth standing firm? This semester, we will see how Daniel and his friends seek to remain faithful in a foreign land, and then we will learn about the visions Daniel received, outlining how God would bring his people home to live in his kingdom and under his king. 


They will meet weekly for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Please click the link below to register for this group!

When: Tuesday Nights, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM 

Where: Middletown


Contact Connor or Jeff for more information

Small Group

The Gospel of Mark

This group of young adults is a coed group of singles and couples.

They will be finishing their study on the Gospel of Mark and then will decide as a group what the next study will be. 


The Gospel of Mark chronicles Jesus’s journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Along the way, the Messiah gathers a ragged band of disciples. As crowds grow and dwindle on the road to Jerusalem, only a few stick by the Suffering Savior on the road of discipleship. The question is, are we willing to take this journey to embrace discipleship?

When: Wednesday Nights, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM 

Where: Linglestown


Contact Evan for more information

Thursday Women's Group

The Book of Ecclesiastes

This group of young adult women will start the semester with a brief study on prayer, and then they will spend the rest of the semester studying the book of Ecclesiastes.​


In the study of Ecclesiastes, we will learn that life is a gift, but it rarely turns out how we expect. We’re convinced things like wealth, power, fame, and control will give us meaning and lead us to a flourishing life—but, every time, they let us down. So, where do we go when the bottom falls out? Where do we turn when things are going great, but we still feel empty? 


This semester, we will see how the book of Ecclesiastes shows us that we are not alone in our search for meaning, and we will discover how God himself, not the things of this world, satisfies our deepest desires for meaning.


This group will meet weekly for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Please click the link below to register for this group!

When: Thursday Nights, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM 

Where: Harrisburg


Contact Brittany or Christa for more information

Upcoming Events

Venture Together

Friday Night Fellowship

All Venture Young Adults are invited to attend our monthly Friday Night Fellowships! What is a Friday Night Fellowship? It is a time to unwind from the week, relax, and spend time with your Venture community. We will also have great conversations, play games, and meet new friends.


This month, our special guests are Elder Blain & Renee Buck. There will be a time for questions after they share their testimonies.


If you have any additional questions, please contact Shari Holmes at (717) 319-4789. 

When: January 31st, 6:30 PM

Where: Spigle Residence
(341 Yorkshire Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17111) 

Venture Together

Super Bowl Party

Calling all of Venture! Let’s huddle up and watch the big game together on Sunday, February 9th, starting at 6 PM!


Touchdowns, tackles, and terrific food - it's an epic night of football and fun! Even if you don’t like football, this is a fun event to fellowship with others! Please bring your favorite appetizer to share. Beverages and desserts will be provided.


Please RSVP on the Venture GroupMe so we know you are coming, and YES, friends are always welcome!


For more information or if you have a question, please contact Shari Holmes at 717-319-4789.

When: February 9th, 6:00 PM

Where: Holmes' Residence

(6111 Alleo Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17111)

Ladies of Venture

Galentines Day

LADIES! Join your sisters for a Venture Galentine's Day Party! Hosted at Shari Holmes' house on February 15th, starting at 6 PM, we'll have karaoke, crafts, and a chocolate fountain. Please bring a dipping food to share for the chocolate fountain!


Please RSVP on the Ladies of Venture GroupMe so we know you are coming!


For more information or if you have a question, please contact Bailey Marrah at 319-429-8829.

When: February 15th, 6:00 PM

WhereHolmes' Residence

(6111 Alleo Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17111)


Weekend Services:

Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM


206 Oakleigh Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17111​


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