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Children's Ministry


Lighthouse Kids exists to glorify God by connecting all kinds of kids to the saving message of the Gospel and teaching those who believe to be the church.

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Thank you for considering attending Living Water's Children's Ministry.  When you arrive, park in the lower lot (first parking lot on your left) and enter through the doors under the portico. Someone inside should help you check in your children and find their classrooms. To save time on your first Sunday, register your children below!


Nursery - 5th Grade is offered at each of our Worship Services.  Our Nursery programs take one topic a month to discuss something that is true about how much God loves them.  Our Preschool and Elementary programs study the Bible chronologically, taking time to discover deep truths about God and His Word.  We learn about the one story of the Bible, the Gospel of Jesus. 


Starting September 8th, we will join in mixed-aged groups to study God's Word in a deeper way. This semester, we'll be studying the Fruit of the Spirit! 
Groups are available for all Kindergarten-5th Grade children. Space is limited. 

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PARENTS! Want to engage with  Lighthouse Kids?  Join Lighthouse Kids Facebook Group!  Here, we will post updates in Children’s Ministry as well as any other resources we may find to be helpful for you!

  • "I gave my polyester suits to Goodwill, what should I wear?"
    Well, you can either buy them back or wear what you have in your closet. We believe God is much more interested in our internal life (motives, thoughts, desires, attitudes, etc.) and actions than how fancy or expensive the outfits are that we wear. Please come dressed in what makes you comfortable. We simply ask that your body is adequately covered. Here is an idea of what you may see when you visit. Our pastors generally wear a pair of slacks with a button down shirt. In fact, you will probably only find them in a suit if they are officiating a wedding or a funeral. The congregation wears anything from jeans and a t-shirt to business casual to professional attire. Don't worry, we do not have any fashion police here!
  • "Where do I park my car?"
    In any marked parking space you like (please don't create your own). If you have children or teens, we recommend parking in the lower lot. However, if you are here just for the worship service or have no children you might want to park in the upper lot. If you are visiting Living Water for the first, second or third time, there are designated parking spaces marked "Guest" just for you in the upper level parking lot. Of course, if you like to walk you might want to park in the back next to the pastors.
  • "Does the pastor preach long, boring messages?"
    Yes and no. Yes they are long... especially if Pastor Mike is preaching. Fortunately, that is only about 50% of the time. No, they most definitely aren't boring. How could they be? When you take a balding Italian, a smooth talking black Texan, and a Jimmy Buffet loving Floridian, and you have them teach directly from the best selling book of all time (that would be the Bible), throw in an occasional inspired video, a couple of bad jokes, an unwavering commitment to the truth, and a deep love for people... boring is definitely not what you get. What you get is major life change. Don't believe us? Head on over to our media page and listen for yourself.
  • "What do you believe?"
    In a word, the Bible. Well, that is actually two words, but who counts definite articles? Anyhow, if you want specifics, check out Our Faith page.
  • "Will I like the music?"
    That depends on what kind of music you like and when you visit us. Sometimes our worship is very contemporary. Sometimes it is contemporary with a splash of traditional or maybe a little bit of black gospel. Sometimes we have hip hop worship. We have even been known to sing a country song or two and sometimes we sing in other languages of the world. So, if you like variety then yes, you will like the music.
  • "Why do you sometimes sing and pray in different languages during your worship services?"
    From our beginning, Living Water has intentionally been a multi-ethnic Christian church. We did not choose to do that because it was the latest Christian fad or politically correct, but rather because it is biblically correct. There is a common theme running from Genesis through Revelation that speaks not only of individuals being reconciled to God but also to one another. This can be clearly seen in Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17 when he prays for those who would one day follow him (that would be you and me). “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so the world may believe that you have sent me.” The unity that Jesus has with his Father is the same kind of unity that he desires for his church. As such, we strive to glorify God by making Living Water a place where people of diverse ethnicities, socio-economic status, educational backgrounds, ages and abilities come together in unity to worship and exalt Jesus. With this in mind, we honor God and minister to the great diversity of his people by regularly using languages like Spanish, French and Swahili in various aspects of our worship services. It is a beautiful reflection of the breadth of God’s Kingdom and a wonderful opportunity for us to become more like Jesus by considering others more important than ourselves.
  • "My family isn't your typical mom, dad, 2.5 kids, and a dog—is that o.k.?"
    Everyone in your family, extended family, your neighbors, coworkers, even your enemies are welcome at Living Water. As for your pets... even though we love them... unless they are a service animal, we would humbly ask that you leave them at home. Of course if you want to take them for a walk on our 28 acre wooded campus or for a swim in our beautiful creek, we would love for you to do that. Just don't forget to bring the plastic orange newspaper bag with you because everybody hates stepping on "doggie land mines".
  • "Where do I take my kids?"
    Enter on the lower level and ask one of our friendly greeters. They will be happy to assist you with directions. Check out our Children and Student Ministries page for more information.
  • "Will my kids be safe and have fun at the same time?"
    Yes, we do everything we can to ensure the safety of the children at Living Water! Whether or not they have fun really depends on them. Our teachers are lively and encouraging, but we still haven't figured out mind control and how to force people to enjoy themselves. Check out our Children and Student Ministries page for more information.
  • "Are you going to endlessly bug me for money?"
    No. We will only bug you endlessly to love Jesus more. Our services include only one offering time for members and those whom God moves their hearts with generosity. Guests are under no obligation or pressure to participate in the giving.
  • "What kind of church are you?"
    We are R.E.A.L. (Relational, Encouraging, Authentic, Loving). We are real people, with real struggles. The great news is we also have a real Savior with real power who can change us and repair our relationships with God and others. We are an independent, non-denominational church. One of our core beliefs is that the local church needs to be a reflection of the community in which it is located. We do not believe segregated worship is part of God's plan. As such, we are committed in creating a multi-ethnic worship experience.
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