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Student Ministry

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“The Well” Student Ministries exists to assist diverse students in developing a personal relationship with Christ so they are prepared and equipped to impact the world in which they live.

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We offer weekend services at both 9 & 11 AM

Lesson Questions

11 Am Middle School
God's Compassion
2/2 - Compassion Revealed

2/9 - It takes Action

We offer Small Groups from 6:30-8:00 PM Wednesdays during the school year

Small Groups are all about “Going Deep” with God, friends, and leaders. In the process, students dig into God’s Word, become great friends by playing, eating, serving, and studying together. This is Biblical Community in action!

Middle School Small Groups are grade and gender-based. High School Small Groups are based on a topic of study. 



Besides our weekly services and small groups we offer a selection of events that allow us to gather together for fun, deeper study, and intentional time of fellowship. 


All throughout the New Testament, we see the pattern of believers receiving the gospel and then proclaiming it to others. Each gospel concludes with some version of Jesus commanding his disciples to go forth and preach the gospel to the world (Mt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15; Lk. 24:46-47;
Jn. 20:21).

We all have that same calling on our lives today. As we are called to love God and to love others, one of the primary ways we do that is by pointing others toward the hope of the gospel— the good news that our glorious God has graciously saved us through Jesus Christ.


Below are great monthly devotionals that you can use as you strive to grow and know the Lord better!


God’s Word tells us leaders are to live by a higher standard. Often people mistake leadership for a position, a title, or a place where one can be popular and powerful. This isn’t true leadership. True servant leadership is using your influence to serve others. The Student Leadership Team is for teenagers who are willing to do what it takes to rise to a higher standard to be key influencers in extending the kingdom of God.


For Information Contact 

Student Ministry

Contact Tyler Brezinski at

Family Ministry

Contact Pastor James Stargel at


Weekend Services:

Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM


206 Oakleigh Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17111​


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