Adult leader covenant
As an Adult Leader in the Well Student Ministry of Living Water Community Church I understand that leadership is a privilege and that with privilege comes responsibility.
Therefore, I am willing, by the grace of God, to commit myself to and believe in the following areas of Mission, Vision, Action, and Attitude for the 2023-2024 school year (August-June).
Mission: “The Well” Student Ministries exists to assist diverse students in developing a personal relationship with Christ so they are prepared and equipped to impact the world in which they live.
Vision: To build a community of Adult and Student Leaders to connect students to Christ and together grow to full devotion to Him.
Actions and Attitudes: Because I believe that my Christian faith is expressed in my lifestyle and that actions speak louder than words, I promise to the best of my ability live up to the standard here below:
I will faithfully attend the weekly program(s) that I commit to on Saturdays, Sundays and/or Wednesdays or, if applicable, as specified/needed for my Administrative/Event Area.
I will do my best to arrive at least 30 minutes early so that I can welcome and connect with students.
Because I believe that relationships take time, I will be at special events sponsored by “The Well” Student Ministry whenever my schedule allows.
Believing that students need to know that there are adults who care about them, I will follow up on students that I come in contact with and try to spend time with students outside of our regularly scheduled times and events (ie. write a note, make a phone call, plan an outing with a class, have a soda with a student).
In addition to my service time and arriving 30 minutes prior to that, I will also attend the 30 minute monthly Leader Meetings that occur before/after my service time and when I am unable to attend I will make arrangements to get a list of the topics that were covered so that I am aware of what is going on in the ministry.
I will use my gifts and abilities to glorify God in the ministry He has called me to while expecting to be equipped with the necessary tools to be successful.
Recognizing that teachers of God’s Word have a high responsibility to be truthful and accurate, I will adequately prepare or review both the material to be taught as well as my own heart before I teach at a service.
I will make the work of this team, “The Well”, and this church a priority in my life. I will be committed and I realize that might mean saying “no” to other activities I’d rather do in the moment.
Because I believe that students will look to me to model appropriate behavior, I agree to model responsible social media guidelines. I will not use vulgar or hate filled speech and I will carefully guard my profiles from inappropriate images or videos.
I recognize that in order to serve in “The Well” I must be a Member or Regular Attender of Living Water Community Church in good standing. I understand that my opportunity to serve is conditional on my good standing with the church body and leadership.